Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Beginning Of This

So, I've decided to start a blog. Geez, that's generic. Haha. Anyway, everyday, I'm going to take a picture or two of something that has struck me as interesting. So, that's what this shall be. Well, I hope. Chances are, I'll stop caring in a week. Let's hope not. Here's to today:

So, at first, I wanted to post this. It's my Ipod Touch. Which I love. It gives me music. I <3 music. Anyway, I looked at this and said "Yes, this." So, I took this picture. Then, some other things popped up. Let's take a look:

Oh yes, my costume came in the mail today! YES! Spirit week shall be a fun week. Haha. I was going to post some corny picture of my friend and I...but they didn't turn out well. Oh well. Let's see if I can keep this up. Limme see, I need a witty sign off phrase don't I? Hmmm, how about...well I'll think of one. Night all.



  1. Please, Dave the Barbarian, don't stop caring in a week. We, your anxious viewers, long to see more of your photography.

    Look ... it's your first blog post and you already have a comment. It took me weeks.
